Let's talk
Featured work

Small table, bubinga & curly maple

Craftsman style end table in walnut and maple burl

Gong stand in cherry & bloodwood

Cutting board in maple & Br. cherry

How To pages

You can download a number of documents I have written describing various aspects of how to build fine furniture and how to use a variety of tools I have found to be best of breed.  I have been paid by the sponsors to write some of these, others I wrote as a way of sharing what I have learned over a lifetime of designing and hand crafting fine furniture.  

These are full color multi-page booklets of up to 100 pages in length in Adobe Portable Document format (.pdf files) so you can download them for free to read at your leisure.  I compressed the files so they will download faster at the expense of image quality.  Use the Contact form under Let's Talk to the right to send me emails with your comments and suggestions for improvement.  Enjoy!


Select from the list below:

 Getting the most from Festool products












Festool Sanders


















Building a Rose Engine to enhance your lathe turnings








How I added a Felder RL-200 Dust Collection system to my studio 


How to rewire a three phase Felder RL-200 Dust Collector to run off of single phase power using a VFD